Error DK0031: Port 80 and 443 is used

Hey party people. I found this thread and the solution here worked for me: macOS Catalina (10.15.5) has port conflict with httpd · Issue #1364 · docksal/docksal · GitHub

Seems at least in macOS Catalina, for me, httpd got all agro. Running this command worked:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

Nothing seemed to break on my machine, but use at your own peril.

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Good news everyone! We’ve released DevKinsta 2.3.0 which introduces a port selector! It’ll automatically detect open ports, but you can also select your own ports if you wish. I’ll be marking this bug as resolved but if you encounter any issues with this new feature, please do create a new thread here. Thanks so much everyone who has contributed to this thread here! Here’s more information on this update: DevKinsta Releases (Minor) - #7 by michael