MariaDB version


It looks like DevKinsta is using MariaDB 10.5.5, and Kinsta is using 10.5.17.

Firstly, is that correct?

If it is, how can we go about updating the MariaDB version, as it seems very outdated and it is lacking some key features that I would like to be able to take advantage of, and can on Kinsta itself, just not in dev.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @SBP, thanks for reaching out!
I’ve pointed this out to our devs and the current recommendation is to avoid a forced update since restarting DevKinsta will just reinitialize the MariaDB 10.5.5 image. We already match Kinsta’s PHP version so matching MariaDB makes sense as well. Our team will be testing the update/how to handle this in the future.
If you want to force an update, I could test out a process for you but we still don’t recommend it.

Hi Kevin,

I would say this is quite a high priority, as currently the server stack in DevKinsta is very outdated in relation to DB and, as you rightly point out, doesn’t reflect the Kinsta setup.

v10.5.5 is over 2 years out of date at this point.

I would love to know how you would force an update (my server setup skills are not that great!)


Okay, good news @SBP we came up with a process that seems to work. I definitely suggest that you backup your database before doing this, though. The easiest way would be to just Push to your staging.

Completely close DevKinsta before running the following commands one by one in your terminal

  1. docker pull mariadb:10.5.17
  2. docker rm -f devkinsta_db && docker rmi mariadb:10.5.5
  3. docker tag mariadb:10.5.17 mariadb:10.5.5

Start DevKinsta and make sure the new MySQL container is created with 10.5.17

Optional but recommended: update your database tables:

  1. docker exec -it devkinsta_db mysql_upgrade -u root -pPASSWORDWITHNOSPACE
  2. docker restart devkinsta_db

Replace PASSWORDWITHNOSPACE with your actual root database password. You can find this in Docker Desktop or on your site info page within DevKinsta.

I just tested all of this and it looks like the version remains even after restarting DevKinsta so that’s promising. Please let me know if you run into any issues.

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Thank Kevin, appreciate you finding a solution for this so quickly!

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