I am trying to update plugins using wp-cli update, to do so I executed following commands:
docker exec -u www-data -it devkinsta_fpm bash
cd /www/kinsta/public/mywebsite
wp update myplugin
I get a permission denied error:
Failed to create directory ‘/var/www/.wp-cli/cache/’: mkdir(): Permission denied.
So I tried to sudo chmod the .wp-cli folder:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/.wp-cli
What is the default sudo password? Is it the right way to solve this issue?
Thank you
I managed to update another plugin, it seems the problem is with connects-woocommerce specifically
In case you would like to set permission of that /var/www/ sub-folder (and its folders/subfolders) with www-data user, you could execute the following command first to access the docker as root instead of as www-data user:
docker exec -it devkinsta_fpm bash
then you can perform the following command:
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
Once done, you can exit from that docker and re-access with the www-data user:
docker exec -u www-data -it devkinsta_fpm bash
and try to perform that wp plugin update thepluginname , and it should be able to create directories and/or files under that /var/www/.wp-cli/cache/ sub-folder(s).