Adam you are top-notch.
I have too many dbs and I started poking around with your solution, but it’s going to be oppressive with my instance.
Does anyone think this could work? Install a plain vanilla MariaDB image, map the data volume to a copy of devkinsta’s data volume, and then fire it up? Could that work?
There was an issue with the 2.13.3 version that caused issues with pushing from DevKinsta to Kinsta environments.
We have fixed this in 2.13.4 version but it introduced other issues due to database version updates and other parameters. Unfortunately, due to internal changes, we cannot release an update that would fix this, it has to be done manually. My advice is the following:
Update to 2.13.4 (you probably won’t be able to start DevKinsta, but that’s expected)
Open Docker Desktop and stop all containers
Remove > ib_logfile0 in the devkinsta_db_data
Then restart DevKinsta and let me know if it works. We have confirmed this to be successful when tested.
I have attempted this again, but still receive a Connection refused error on my sites. During DevKinsta restart it says “Configuring database root user” and seems to take some time there, however the password for the DB in DevKinsta still shows the same as it was prior to removal of the logfile. Does the password change after this step on your end?
I am sorry to see that you are experiencing difficulty connecting to the database. It is possible that the password has changed since the container was recreated. Newly created local site installations should use the correct database credentials since the container was recreated.
Please do try to create a new local site installation and review the database credentials present within the wp-config.php file for that installation to confirm if the password is the same or different from the one you are attempting to login with.
If the credentials are the same, or if a database connection issue occurs with the newly created local site please let us know so we can investigate further.
For anyone else running into these issues or concerned about running into these issues in the future, you might consider checking out localwp
I’ve decided to switch and there are a number of improved tools and features as well as safeguards to be able to safely avoid situations like this in the future.