Can not start devkinsta_db

I can not start devkinsta_db, I spent a day trying to figure out how to run it

Hi @Nam_Thanh! Welcome to the Kinsta community!

I’m sorry to see that the devkinsta_db container is not starting correctly on your system. I am happy to help you with finding a solution!

I do want to start from the top to rule out any basic issues that could be causing this. To confirm, have you tried fully restarting your computer and launching DevKinsta again to see if the container is able to start?

Also to confirm, is your DevKinsta and Docker Desktop installations fully up to date?

If the issue is persisting even after a reboot, and ensuring all of the software is up to date, the devkinsta_db container may need to be recreated. To do this, you will first fully quit DevKinsta so that all of the containers are stopped. Then, remove the devkinsta_db container from the Docker Desktop containers tab. This will delete the container, but will not remove the volume associated that contains the database data.

Once you restart DevKinsta this container will automatically be recreated.

Please let us know if any of these steps help! If you do need any further assistance please don’t hesitate to reply. We are standing by and happy to help!

Best regards