Cannot push files to staging unless database is also selected

Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also)

10:45 am EST

Q: DevKinsta Version

Q: OS Version
2.12.0 (

Q: Docker Desktop Version
4.24.0 (122432)

Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?


Q: Detailed Description of the Problem

since updating Dev Kinsta I cannot push my local files to staging without also selecting “database” . The checkbox for “Files” also happens to be not operational.

If I deselect “database” when I go to push changes, the option to push becomes greyed out.

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 10.56.46 AM

Hey there, @whiddershins! :wave:

Welcome to the forum! Thanks for posting :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with the Selective Push for Files only in the latest release of DevKinsta. I was doing some testing on my own instance and I was actually able to replicate this behavior myself.

I’ve gone ahead and shared this with our developers so that they can hopefully shed some light on what might be going on here. We’ll keep you updated as new information becomes available!


Hey again, @whiddershins! :wave:

I’m happy to report that this issue should be resolved with the latest DevKinsta release: 2.12.1

Thank you for reporting this! I’m glad we were able to quickly resolve it.

Please let us know if you notice any further issues.


This now works, thank you!

Hi @whiddershins,

Thank you for the update and we are happy to know that this is now working on your end.
If you have questions or need help with in the future, please feel free to reach out.

Have a great day!

Hi, so it turns out this isn’t really fixed. Although I can push just “files” i can’t drill down and just select “themes” or subdirectories like that. In that instance the action button becomes greyed out again.

This is especially a problem because if I push all files, it overwrites any images that have been uploaded via wp-admin interface, which is why my workflow is to always only push my theme.

I also want to piggyback on this issue @merineth @Jake

Another developer and I are working on a website for our team. We know the power of git, but pushing individual files from DevKinsta for quick fixes/bugs works best for us. We have built a custom theme and work in components/templates separately.

We would like to be able to push specific files rather than the entire wp-content folder and also not have to push the DB.

Is this possible? If not, could we put that on the road map as well?

This used to be possible

Hello @ghsangoma and @whiddershins!

Thank you for your replies and feedback! At the moment it does appear that to push files or subfolders within a directory the database also needs to be pushed with it.

We will certainly pass this along to our development team for consideration to be included in a future DevKinsta update.

If you do have any further questions or feedback you’d like to share please don’t hesitate to reply!

Best regards