Change PHP versions across multiple WordPress sites with bulk actions

Kinsta has enhanced the recently released bulk actions feature for Managed WordPress Hosting customers, adding the ability to change the active version of PHP across multiple website environments simultaneously.

WordPress hosting customers have been able to change the version of PHP behind individual site environments using the PHP Engine tool in the MyKinsta dashboard. This latest update adds this functionality to the cross-site bulk actions feature that already supports:

  • Clearing site caches
  • Updating plugins
  • Updating themes
  • Exporting site information to CSV
  • Changing MyKinsta’s site labels

How to bulk-update PHP versions in MyKinsta

To initiate a change of the PHP engine as a bulk action, select WordPress Sites in MyKinsta’s main menu and then use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the sites list to select target websites and their environments.

When one or more environments are selected, an Actions button and an indicator of the number of selected environments will appear above the sites list:

The Actions dropdown menu is enabled after environments are selected.

Select Change PHP version to invoke a version-selection menu:

Choosing which version of PHP to apply across selected environments.

Choose the version of PHP you want and then click the Change PHP version button to begin the update for each website environment you selected earlier.

And that’s all there is to it!

Fast hosting with the latest PHP releases

Kinsta recently made PHP 8.3 available to all WordPress hosting customers. We also put this latest release through its paces in PHP speed tests, comparing it with PHP 8.1 and 8.2 in different use-cases.

Take a closer look at what’s new in PHP 8.3 to see if it’s the version you’ll want to choose when upgrading your sites with bulk actions.

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