Connecting to Amazon RDS from DevKinsta

Hi there, new DevKinsta user here. At my company, we develop with Docker regularly, but I’m running into issues trying to use DevKinsta, specifically connecting to external Amazon RDS. The same wp-config settings exist in both our setups. Repro steps:

  1. Created a new Wordpress installation on Dev Kinsta.
  2. Copied over our current app’s wp-config.php variables.
  3. Tried to start the site and see it locally
  4. See this error:
    "Access denied for user 'l4g-dev'@'' (using password: YES) in /www/kinsta/public/l4gkinsta2/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php on line 1775"
  5. “l4g-dev” is the correct username, but DevKinsta seems to be adding on this string @‘’ I don’t understand where it’s coming from.

Can anyone help shed light on the situation? This thread (Wp-config.php differences between DevKinsta & MyKinsta - #2 by Agus) makes me wonder if there’s something going on under the hood.

Hello @alee Andrew :wave: Welcome to DevKinsta community!

Based on your reports/results, it looks like your local WordPress site (hosted on your local computer/DevKinsta) was trying to connect to that external database hostname ( )

That seems to be defined/setup in your wp-config.php file perhaps? :thinking:

Could you please open and check the wp-config.php file (that you copied over to your local computer. Usually it’s located inside the " ~/DevKinsta/public/yoursitename " subfolder) and locate for the “/** Database hostname */” section/line, and normally under that line, you will see something like this:

define( 'DB_HOST', 'devkinsta_db' );

please see if the DB_HOST in that wp-config.php file was set/defined with (or something else) ?
If that so, then you may need to change it to: devkinsta_db as shown above and save it. After that, please see if you can access the local site?


Hi @Agus , thanks for the response. I’ve confirmed that there was nothing out of the ordinary in wp-config.php. In the end, I had to give up on this.

Heya Andrew :slight_smile:

When you checked the wp-config.php file before, did you see this line:

define( 'DB_HOST', 'devkinsta_db' );

or was it setup with different hostname (e.g.: that external DB hostname as mentioned previously) ?

I couldn’t say much as it’s on your local computer :slight_smile: and for normal WordPress setup, the DB host is usually defined in the wp-config.php file .
