DevKinsta Multisite subdirectory error DK0066 importing from live site

Hi Marco! Thank you for your reply!

While there are many reasons a database connection error can occur, I do want to rule out the most common issue first. To confirm, if you compare the wp-config.php configuration file from a freshly created site to your imported site do the username, password, and host values for the database match?

We’re looking forward to hearing back from you!

Best regards

Hi Andrew,
I’ve made some checks about wp-config.php, but seems database error connection doesn’t depends on it.
In DevKinsta all data changes:

  • DB_NAME from weyourconsult to WeYourConsult
  • DB_USER from weyourconsult to root
  • DB_PASSWORD from A to B
  • DB_HOST from localhost to devkinsta_db

I closed DevKinsta Desktop and from terminal I runned:

docker container rm devkinsta_db
docker volume rm devkinsta_db_data

Than I reopened DevKinsta.

If I tried to open the new TestSite (previously created) and I received ERROR DATABASE CONNECTION.
I deleted this site and recreate.
Now works.

Than I deleted site imported from Kinsta Staging and recreated.
When I tried to open I received privacy error. NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID
In DevKisnta I disabled HTTPS connection.

Than, now I’m able to open site and admin page!
… even if I had to disable a plugin, maybe in conflict.

Only thing I have to check is speed.
Seems DevKista Desktop is slowest than online Kinsta (I have Win 11 Pro and 16Mb Ram).

Thanks, Marco.

Hello Marco,

I’m glad to hear that it worked out. I’m not sure about the SSL issue, there might have been an error in generating the SSL, but I guess it’s good that you can access the site without enabling force HTTPS.

As for the speed, there have been different threads in regards to this. 16GB of RAM should be enough but did you check to see how much of it is assigned to Docker? The default is usually 2GB, you can try slightly increasing it.

Many thanks Vladimir,

how may I increase ram in docker.

I’m using the WSL 2 backend, so resource limits are managed by Windows (11 pro).

There’s a guide to do that? Thanks,


Hi @MarcoS! Thank you for your reply!

It does look like it’s possible to adjust the memory allowance in WSL via the .wslconfig file. I would recommend reviewing the article in the link below for more details about how to adjust this configuration file:

If you do have any questions about how to adjust these settings please don’t hesitate to reply! We’re happy to help!

Best regards