Discrepancy Between Site Storage on Kinsta and DevKinsta Download Size

I have a WooCommerce shop hosted on Kinsta with over 20,000 products, and it primarily consists of a lot of media files. According to the Kinsta dashboard and what I see when logged in via SSH, my site is using about 13GB of storage.

However, when I download my site using DevKinsta, the download process shows that it’s pulling 197GiB—which is nearly the size of the container’s available space. This massive discrepancy seems really strange to me.

Could this be a bug in how DevKinsta reports or handles downloads? Is it possible that some unnecessary or temporary files are being included during the download?

Hello @tomdevisser :wave: Welcome to Kinsta community!

We’ve seen this happen before and it is indeed a visual bug.

You can let the process run through and at the end, it should show the correct site size :+1:

Kind regards!

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