I am trying to migrate into DevKinsta with Duplicator.
Duplicator cannot connect to database:
Unable to connect the user [root] to the host []. The server error response was: Connection refused
[PHP ERR][WARN] MSG:chmod(): Operation not permitted [CODE:2|FILE:/www/kinsta/public/xxx/dup-installer/lib/snaplib/class.snaplib.u.io.php|LINE:600]
Permissions setting on file ‘/www/kinsta/public/xxx/installer.php’ failed
[PHP ERR][WARN] MSG:chmod(): Operation not permitted [CODE:2|FILE:/www/kinsta/public/xxx/dup-installer/lib/snaplib/class.snaplib.u.io.php|LINE:600]
Permissions setting on file ‘/www/kinsta/public/xxx/to_local_2_[HASH]_20210301160645_archive.zip’ failed
I wonder if the database port my the issue here. Because Duplicator has not way (that I know of) to define the port. Duplicator docs do not mention any issues here at all.
Any ideas?