Duplicator Cannot Connect Database Issue

I am trying to migrate into DevKinsta with Duplicator.

Duplicator cannot connect to database:

Unable to connect the user [root] to the host []. The server error response was: Connection refused

[PHP ERR][WARN] MSG:chmod(): Operation not permitted [CODE:2|FILE:/www/kinsta/public/xxx/dup-installer/lib/snaplib/class.snaplib.u.io.php|LINE:600]
Permissions setting on file ‘/www/kinsta/public/xxx/installer.php’ failed

[PHP ERR][WARN] MSG:chmod(): Operation not permitted [CODE:2|FILE:/www/kinsta/public/xxx/dup-installer/lib/snaplib/class.snaplib.u.io.php|LINE:600]
Permissions setting on file ‘/www/kinsta/public/xxx/to_local_2_[HASH]_20210301160645_archive.zip’ failed

I wonder if the database port my the issue here. Because Duplicator has not way (that I know of) to define the port. Duplicator docs do not mention any issues here at all.

Any ideas?

Ok, found the solution.

In Duplicator for database host, do not use “” from DevKinsta dashboard

but do use “devkinsta_db” from wp-config

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Hi @andxdev Nice find! I was just about to give this a shot :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the update here! :kinsta:

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