Export site from wordpress to static site


Is there any method / document guide to teach me how to export site from Kinsta’s wordpress to host it on Kinsta’s static site? There are several use cases:

  1. Better security for static site
  2. Event website that the there is no update on website when an event completed. User wants to archive the website and delete some time later. Turn it to static site can free us 1 WP quota.
  3. Another kind of UAT / production site.


Hi there Gripen :wave:

I haven’t tried this myself, but perhaps you can try or use any 3rd party WordPress plugins out there - that would help to convert your WordPress pages into HTML (static) pages. Maybe like this one or this one (though I haven’t checked/tested them personally).

Once you got those generated/required static files (HTML files, images and CSS & JS files), then you can store them to your git repository (such as GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket).

After that you can add a static site from MyKinsta control panel to get those contents from your git repository, and just leave these Build settings fields as blank: Build command, Node version
(while for the Publish directory , you may want to leave it blank if your static files are stored in the root folder in your git repository. If you have an HTML site that doesn’t need to be built that you want to run from a specific subdirectory, place your site files in that directory and put the folder name here, relative to the git repository root folder.)

Best regards,

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Kinsta has a collection of articles here. You’ll probably want to specifically look at the Headless WordPress article. I was just considering something similar to option #2 as I think that’s a good alternative to shutting a site down, for certain clients.


Thank you Sarah for your suggestion! really much appreciate it! :smiley:

Yup right, and perhaps Gripen also wants to check out this Kinsta’s blog post article here - which also mentions to use a WordPress Simply Static plugin .

Best regards,

Github has a huge limitation of 100mb files, any sites with images or a blog will instantly fill this up.

What is the proper workaround to this limitation? Is there a non-CLI method, perhaps an app or GUI based third party upload method to github to work around this limitation?

Hello @Mr-McMuffin and welcome to the Kinsta Community! :wave:

Upon checking online, it appears that the 100MB limit that Github enforces is applicable per file only. For further information, you can refer to this Github guide on large files: About large files on GitHub - GitHub Docs.

GitHub provides Git Large File Storage as a solution to help you surpass the 100MB limit.

Alternatively, you can also offload the images from the git repository through some popular offloading solutions such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

Our Static Site Hosting has a maximum build size of 1GB, which means you can easily deploy your Github repository of up to 1GB. We hope this information helps. If you need more details, please check out our website at Static Site Hosting - Kinsta® Docs.