Fatal errors on local sites which work perfectly online

I am afraid that if everything works fine when the popup plugin is disabled, the only ones who can point you in the right direction and answer why the plugin isn’t working locally would be the plugin support. It looks like it’s not able to retrieve some information that it needs. I’ve noticed that the plugin received an update just yesterday, perhaps you can do a test and update it via wpcli

I’ve played around now with different PHP versions, deactivating the suspected plugin through the database in the options table as WPCLI didn’t work due to the corrupted installation (spending way more time than I wanted on this). As a result I got it running (without this particular plugin mentioned before). But after that I got a whole new other error messages by many different plugins which all seem to refer to the folder structure: They have trouble accessing the uploads folder or the wp-content folder.

So I dug into the database to find the difference in the folder structure - et voila:
It’s just a single database entry in the options table that needs to be adjusted to make everything work!

48 upload_path

instead of this folder structure in the live environment
in the local environment it needs to be this:

I assume this is not only applying to my specific situation but basically to everyone. So you might want to fix this through your replacement routines when pulling and pushing environments!

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Hi Christoph,
I’m very glad to read that you found the issue in the database! A value on the upload_path isn’t really required here in Kinsta, this might be one of the reasons why we haven’t seen a similar issue before. However DevKinsta doesn’t perform a search and replace regarding paths, it only changes the domain name, and anything else specified on the site will need to be adjusted manually.


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