Hi @Lemarque Are you able to offer a bit more detail in regards to what you mean by Adminer not being installed by default? We do indeed have that available, however you wouldn’t be able to utilize it until you’ve added a site to DevKinsta. You can read more about our Adminer implementation on our documentation page.
Are you trying to adjust the post max size for Adminer? Or for WordPress itself? Nano (which is a file editor) and the other commands listed such as apt-get would generally be done on the docker container itself, so it wouldn’t download anything to your local Windows machine. As such, uninstalling Docker should be all that is required there
I hope that helps, however if I’ve misunderstood something feel free to let me know so I can take another look!
Sorry @melissa my ‘evil twin brother’ didn’t explain what I really meant.
The link I included in my original post was, I thought, what needed to be installed to be able to edit the php.ini file. I am not familiar with Docker and I don’t see where/how to launch Nano. And why I can’t locate it (php.ini) on my PC. As well, I’d prefer to use my text editor; but that’s another story.
But returning to [quote=“Lemarque, post:1, topic:547, full:true”]
but Win10 Pro terminal says:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>nano /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini
‘nano’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
How do I edit the php.ini file? And how would I view, for instance the http.conf file, etc. etc.
Hello @Lemarque . I’m sorry for the trouble you experienced with DevKinsta. It does require a bit more technical knowledge to edit the php.ini file contained within the Docker environment. We’ll see about making this easier to edit in a future update of DevKinsta. If you do wish to try this again, this post here may help you.
We haven’t heard back from you on this topic in a while. However, if you do need further assistance you can simply start a new conversation. Thank you again for using DevKinsta. Let us know if you need further assistance!