Welcome to DevKinsta @lsterling03 . I’m sorry for the trouble here. We’re working on a solution and will provide an update soon. The issue you’re experiencing is occurring on select sites on US East.
One of our devs on Windows is having the same issues. We’re not having them on Mac but he’s having this problem on Windows. Seems to be a long-term problem and not just a minor bug at this point since it’s about a year old and still having the same issues? Has anyone solved this yet?
Hi @muletowndigital and welcome! I’m really sorry for the trouble there. We’re aware of the issue that’s resulting in DK0029 error during imports. We’re working on solving that as quickly as possible here and have escalated it to the developers here.
Hi @muletowndigital . I’m sorry for the wait here. Could you try re-importing the site? You’ll need to delete the site on DevKinsta that you’re attempting to import first, then try a new import process.
We are 10 months further and this is still not resolved for me, i updated to all the latest versions. Deleted all the old websites and tried re-importing them. Keep getting that error. Devkinsta for windows has not been stable since its release. First it was mega slow, there are maney toppics on that matter. I thought to try it again after a year. Now i keep getting this error. I think you should place a side note in the documentation that devkinsta is not properly working for windows.
Hi @AlbertVR, I myself use DevKinsta on Windows 10/11 Pro and I believe the issue in this thread should have been resolved a while ago. Please feel free to create a new Bug Report if you would like us to review what could be going wrong. You could also just need to try using Hyper-V with Docker instead of WSL to see if that helps your issue.