NPM watch stops automatically after WSL

Hello again @Imabi :wave:

We still haven’t heard an update yet from our DevKinsta engineers as my colleague reported few days ago.

Anyway, I’m just wondering what if you run that NPM command line directly within the devkinsta_fpm docker’s container (via its Terminal/Exec tab) instead of from that Z: network drive that’s mapped to the WSL path?

On your docker desktop → Containers menu, click on the “devkinsta_fpm” name:

then on that “devkinsta_fpm” container page, click on the “Exec” tab (to open the “terminal” of that container:

there, you may want to go inside your local site folder by typing something like:
cd /www/kinsta/public/yoursitenamehere
and try to run the npm command line? if it works there? :thinking:

If it says that NPM is not found (i.e: /bin/sh: 9: npm: not found ), then you will need to install NPM/NodeJS in that “devkinsta_fpm” container .

To install it on that docker’s container, you can run the following one-line command in that “Exec” tab (terminal) on your Docker Desktop:

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - ; sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

(which I took from this external site)

then you can check if NPM and NodeJS have been installed properly, with:

npm -v


node -v

After that, please try to perform your NPM command line you tried before in your local site’s path/folder and see if it will work fine there? :pray:

Best regrads,
Agus Utomo