Can't create / Import DevKinsta websites

Hey. I have a website hosted with Kinsta that I just set up, I had the website working with DevKinsta previously, through and old version of Docker, the new DevKinsta and no Ubuntu, once I installed a new version of Docker & Ubuntu I opened up DevKinsta again and my local site had disappeared, so I tried to reimport it and typically in the logs I got this error with the SSL Certificates, I have tried to access this path that the error is printing, however it doesn’t exist and even if it did - my PC wont allow me to access the ‘docker-desktop-data’ folder, I have tried a few ways around this via terminal, but I can never find the SSL I am looking for. Initially i thought this issue was just with the import feature, but upon trying again I can’t even install a new site either, has anyone came across this issue / know a resolution?

[2025-01-07 11:50:27.611] [info] [createCertficiate] Certificate created.
[2025-01-07 11:50:27.640] [error] [createCertficiate] Creating certificates failed. UNKNOWN: unknown error, open ‘\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data\data\docker\volumes\DevKinsta\ssl\cmewa-new.local.crt’
[2025-01-07 11:50:27.641] [error] [ipcMainStep] Error in operation SITE_CREATION, step webserver: Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, open ‘\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data\data\docker\volumes\DevKinsta\ssl\cmewa-new.local.crt’
[2025-01-07 11:50:27.690] [info] [useMailhog] Mail socket opened.
[2025-01-07 11:50:27.707] [info] [ProgressIndicator] { isFailed: false, isOpen: false }
[2025-01-07 11:50:27.770] [info] [ProgressIndicator] { isFailed: true, isOpen: false }
[2025-01-07 11:50:27.777] [info] [ProgressIndicator] { isFailed: true, isOpen: true }
[2025-01-07 11:50:28.250] [info] [containerExec] Command ‘cd /www/kinsta/public/cmewa-new && wp --allow-root --skip-themes --skip-plugins core version’ on devkinsta_fpm finished with exit code 1
[2025-01-07 11:50:28.251] [info] [checkWpVersion] site’s current version [31;1mError:[0m This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download.
[2025-01-07 11:50:28.251] [info] [checkWpVersion] site’s stored version 6.7.1
[2025-01-07 11:50:28.252] [info] [checkWpVersion] containerExec response test false

Any feedback would be appreciated.


I have also now attempted this method:

Which still results in the same error.

Hi @Ross :wave:

Welcome to the Kinsta Community!

To better assist you, can you please provide the following information:

DevKinsta Version:
OS Version:
Docker Desktop Version:

Please also send me the DevKinsta’s main.log file via private message. You can get the main.log file by clicking on the “Reveal log file in File Manager” under the Help and Support page in Devkinsta.

Thank you for sharing the main.log file of your DevKinsta app. Unfortunately, Windows 11 Home doesn’t offer Hyper-V, so DevKinsta will need to run through WSL2 in this case. Can you try the solution provided by @russfrancis below? Let me know if it works.

Thanks, this worked - can you please confirm when I am safe to update docker.


What IDE’s do you support, I cant use PHPStorm to open:

Unfortunately, this solution will only work for versions up to 4.29. Higher Docker Desktop versions 4.30 and above will likely re-introduce the original error.

We do not officially recommend any IDE for DevKinsta, but you might find this post helpful: IDE Support for DevKinsta - #2 by Andrew.

I understand, however the root path for my project is:

As my Computer is Windows 11, Linux is not the standard OS so these IDE’s do not recognize this root path & I can not open them to make changes on my Local Site.

Is there a way you reccomend to develop with DevKinsta? I attempted to Map a drive to this path which allowed me to open the files, but once i attempted to run node/npm on my Tailwind theme it crashed as it was rewriting the incorrect path.

I am just curious, how do people typically develop with DevKinsta, is it through an IDE and if so how do they access the Site Path?

In order to edit these files in a IDE i would need the path to look something like 'C:\Users\YourUsername\DevKinsta\sites' similar to how Local does it, is there a workaround here?

Hello Ross :wave:

You should be able to access the Linux files when using WSL through File Explorer. If you can’t, maybe this video will help:

Hey Vladimir,

I can access it through file manager but none of my Ide’s:

Hi @Ross

Thank you for your reply! :smile:
I’m not familiar with any IDE tool you’re going to use, but in order to be able to access that wsl path on Windows, I think you would first need to map it - similar to what I suggested in the other (old) thread here:

so you can open up command line and perform the command like:
net use z: \\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data

or you can change/use that z with any non-existing local drive you want to map/assign for that network path.

Once mapped, you may want to check with your IDE tool, and see if it can open that new mapped drive? i.e: Z:\ (or any new mapped drive you set up) , and go to the data\docker\volumes\DevKinsta\public folder and also its local site’s folder there.

Hope the workaround above helps? :pray: :crossed_fingers:

Best regards,
Agus Utomo

Thanks @Agus!

@Ross I tested what Agus suggested and confirmed that it is working. I am using VS Code IDE in this example;

Windows Command line (Powershell)

VS Code

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Hey Guys,

Yes thanks, I have done this before but the issue then comes when trying to use my terminal for the project as i need to run node/npm, the IDE thinks I am in a windows drive so attempts to use the wrong terminal which should be ubuntu which causes the issue.

It appears that you can only run the node/npm installation directly from the Docker Desktop terminal. While it may be possible to connect from terminals built into IDEs, they will not have root access. To install node/npm, you will need to log in to Docker Desktop directly, as described in this other post. NPM watch stops automatically after WSL - #10 by Agus