Thank you so much for your advice. I’m posting here just to say thank you, BocaJuniors.
Followed your advice and now my devkinsta_db restart loop is stopped.
(still working on to recover - now the local website says “Error establishing a database connection”)
I’ve got a problem with my devkinsta after the automatic update of 2.13.3 → 2.13.4
and after the update, I realized that I did the wrong thing. Important DevKinsta update - 2.13.4
Right after the update to 2.13.4 (yes, I did double click devkinsta.exe…) , my devkinsta_db container got stuck in restart loop and cannot access the local sites on my devkinsta.
Restart docker, Restart devkinsta - no effect
Logs - it says only mysqld (mysqld 10.5.17-MariaDB-1:10.5.17+maria~ubu2004) starting as process 1 …
Docker shows devkinsta_db start - stopped - start repeat.
But after the emergency fix, restart loop is stopped, and now I’m seeking the solution for the next problem “Error establishing a database connection”.