Support for PHP8.1

Since Kinsta sites can now be hosted on PHP8.1 since almost 3 weeks ago, I was wondering when will it be possible to use PHP8.1 to develop sites locally with DevKinsta as well?

Thank you!

Hi @a.hegyes, welcome to DevKinsta!
Our developers are definitely working on bringing PH 8.1 to future versions of DevKinsta! I’m not sure if it will make the next update but this is a feature they are definitely working on!
Thank you for showing interest in this feature/update!

Just happened to notice that PHP8.1 can be selected nowadays when changing the PHP version for DevKinsta for a site. I was looking to change to PHP8.0 myself but 8.1 is also in the list.
So it seems this feature was added already in the meantime.

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