Does DevKinsta support PHP 8.1?


I have been a Kinsta customer for years and today is the first time I tried DevKinsta (coming from Devilbox).

I run all of my LIVE sites on PHP 8.1 but it seems that DevKinsta does not support PHP 8.1. the most recent major version supported is PHP 8.0.

How can I enable PHP 8.1 on DevKinsta?

Thank you.

Hello @Haris_Kaklamanos :wave:
Welcome to our community forum! :smile:

DevKinsta does support PHP version from 7.2 to 8.3 , and that can be switched within the local Site configurations section, as I show below (a screenshot I took from my DevKinsta on my laptop)

You can also check our public documentation here .

Hope that helps!

Best regards,
Agus Utomo

Hello and thanks for the reply.

I forgot to mention that I am on Ubuntu 24.04.1. Does that make a difference?

Here is what I see in DevKinsta.

Thank you in advance.

Thank you for your reply.
I’m also on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS :thinking: may I know what’s the DevKinsta version you’re running there?
Mine has not been updated yet to the latest version available (currently I’m still using the previous DevKinsta 2.13.2 version).

Best regards,
Agus Utomo

Hello again and thank you for getting back.

I am not in front of that computer now, but I instlled the latest version.

Should I downgrade? Is it possible to downgrade?

Thank you.

Hi @Haris_Kaklamanos! Thank you for your reply!

I am currently running the latest version of DevKinsta on Mac and I can confirm that I can use up to PHP version 8.3.

To clarify, does this issue only occur when pulling a site from MyKinsta to DevKinsta? Or, does the issue also occur if you create a new site installation locally within DevKinsta?

We look forward to hearing back from you!

Best regards

Hello Andrew.

The same issues occurs when I am creating a new custom site. I can only choose PHP up to 8.0.

Thank you.

Hello again @Haris_Kaklamanos

I’ve just upgraded (installed) the latest DevKinsta version (2.13.4) on my Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS :

and I then tried to create a new WordPress site:

and could still see the option to select PHP version from 7.2 to 8.3 :

(was able to switch from PHP 8.0 to PHP 8.1)

I also tried to click to add “Custom Site” menu, and on the PHP Version drop down menu, I could still see the PHP version 7.2 to 8.3

So yeah, I can confirm that with latest DevKinsta version (2.13.4) on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS, it’s still showing the same PHP version option (7.2 to 8.3).

What if you try to remove/uninstall DevKinsta completely and re-install it?

Best regards,
Agus Utomo