Website is not showing up in DevKinsta

I want to import a text from DevKinsta, but it is not showing up in the list. How is this possible and can I fix this?


The name of the website I want to import is the staging environment of “House of Deeprelax”


Hi @whadaday :wave:

Can you click the blue power button on the bottom left of DevKinsta?

Then go down to MyKinsta Account, and click Logout, close DevKinsta and Docker Desktop, then start Docker Desktop, and start DevKinsta, and log back in to your MyKinsta account?

Then see if the staging environment for your site shows up in the list. If not, please let us know.

Best regards,

Unfortunately the website is not visible. Could it be that I do not have enough rights? I can see the website in my dashboard tho.

Hi Angelo :wave:

Yes, if your MyKinsta user’s role/permission for that site in question is set to “WP Site Developer”, then you would need to ask someone from that MyKinsta company (with higher access) to change/set your MyKinsta user’s role/permission to be “WP Site Administrator” instead, and you should then be able to see the website in the DevKinsta import site list ( similar case I handled here before. )


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