404 Not Found nginx when navigating off home page

I’m having an issue where I cannot navigate off my sites homepage when I’m running it locally via DevKinsta. If I try to navigate off the home page, any page I navigate to displays “404 Not Found nginx”. Some Context:

  • This blog was recently migrated to a Kinsta server. It was an existing blog that I pulled down from Kinsta via DevKinsta
  • Anytime I click Open Site I am taken to this same 404 page. The issue is /blog is never added to the host URL. I always have to manually add /blog to the site host url to get to the home page i.e. myblog.local/blog
  • When I click a link to navigate to another page i.e. myblog.local/blog/another-page, /blog does persist in the URL, but I still get a 404 error
  • In the Database manager, I have configured siteurl and home under wp_options to point to myblog.local/blog under option_value

Have you seen this issue before? Please let me know if you need additional context. Thank you for the support.

Hi @Lydia, welcome to DevKinsta!
Is the DevKinsta site based on a Live environment or Staging from MyKinsta?

It sounds like your blog might be a reverse proxy similar to this one

To avoid making configuration changes in DevKinsta, you’ll need to first convert the site to a non-reverse proxy setup. The best course would be to create a Staging version of the site in MyKinsta, have that converted to a normal structure then copy that version of the site to DevKinsta. Our support team would be able to help you with updating the configuration on the Staging environment.

That has to be it as I am using a reverse proxy. I’m going to attempt the nginx config route. Thanks for your support!