I am trying to figure out how to best use DevKista with several developers. Currently, we are using git. We each make changes and push up to github which then pushes the files into a staging site on Kinsta. This is what I think @ZagnaH is suggesting in the post above. Is this still the best method for us to work together? The only change for us would be to move from Mamp Pro to Dev Kinsta.
I guess there isn’t an easy way to pull down changes from staging to keep things synced. The only benefit is to use DevKinsta to set up sites and be able to push to staging remotely.
With multiple developers, I recommend using Git as well. With that in mind, perhaps don’t use the Push to Kinsta functionality of DevKinsta. Instead have a development flow that will push Git into Kinsta. We have a guide here on how to use Git with Kinsta.
DevKinsta doesn’t have an integration with GIT (or GitHub) currently and so no article about that on our official knowldegebase/documentation.
And as far as I can see from our internal discussion, it’s mentioned that our internal DevKinsta developers are currently researching into the direction of connecting to version control systems (making work on code repositories is in their queue) - and please note that we can’t promise anything and don’t have ETA when it will be available. When it’s available, the article/documentation for the Git/GitHub integration with DevKinsta will be created (and will be added to our official documentation).
In the meantime, I also noticed that someone gave/mentioned this external resource/article, so just wanted to share it here as a reference - if you would like to check it and try/test the steps mentioned in that external article. I haven’t tested it yet myself and can’t tell much/verify if it’s working properly or not though.