Hi, I am getting issue to connect my git account in kinsta. After I signin with my git account and select GitHub in the ‘Add a static site > Connect git provider’ for static sites, a pop up window appears and closes automatically. How can I solve it?
Hi @Tony4Serv! Welcome to the Kinsta community!
Thank you for reaching out to us! I’m sorry to hear that you are having difficulty with connecting your Github account with Kinsta. I understand the importance of resolving this issue as soon as possible!
I understand that when you select to connect your Github account while trying to add a static site you see a window appear, but then immediately close. That window should be presenting you with the option to allow MyKinsta to access your repositories. I have attempted to replicate this issue on my end, however I was unable to do so.
This could be a local browser issue causing this behavior to occur. If you have not tried already, could you please try connecting your Github account using a different browser? This will help confirm if this is the issue.
If you do continue to experience any issue however when trying to connect Github to your Kinsta account using a different browser please don’t hesitate to reply and let us know. We are always standing by and more than happy to help!
Best regards
Dear Andrew,
I have tried three browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Chrome and Firefox, on my Windows 11 computer but the result is the same. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi @Tony4Serv
Can you kindly send me a private message with your GitHub username and the MyKinsta URL you’re trying to use it with? This will help me assist you better. I’ll check if the Github user has been blocked in the system. Thanks!
Hello, kinsta won’t let me select a github repository on the “add static site” page. my github account is less than 3 days old, but i have read on this forum that if you try to connect github before it is 3 days old, kinsta blocks your account and you won’t be able to connect after your account is older either and to contact the support. here’s the link: https://community.kinsta.com/t/kinsta-application-not-connecting-to-git-repository/3465
thank you!