When importing a site INTO devKinsta, it has an option to “import backup” which wants a zip file I believe.
however, there’s no option that I’m aware of to export a local site into a zip file.
On Kinsta, you can request staging and production to be compiled into a backup file which is emailed to you.
How are people doing this for local versions of code + db?
My situation is that I have an outdated version of my company’s site on my local devKinsta
I want to be able to make a backup of my local version, then copy the production version from Kinsta into devKinsta, but be able to refer back to my original local if needed.
I cannot have a local version of production pulled down without removing my current local - due to conflicts.
Thank you, looks like the db exported into a sql file properly w/ that command.
I then used Mac OS to select both .sql and the site folder and right clicked “compress” which zip’ed the site together.
Hopefully I don’t have to use it, but it’s nice knowing I should be able to import this zip into devKinsta and DevKinsta will know what to do with it (I’ve zipped just the public/sitename folder in the past, and when I tried to import via devKinsta it gave an error)
Hi, I know this is an old post, but it worked for me once and now there’s a problem. Just today, I used the terminal command once and it made a backup with .sql extension. It put it in the same folder as the devkinsta site. I was able to make the zip file (didn’t test it with a new import yet). Anyway, the exact same terminal command never worked after the first time.
Hi Adrian,
I had already changed it to the right site name. I found out I have to start DevKinsta and Docker before running the command. That makes it output the .sql file. I can then restore using the instructions here:
I do really like DevKinsta enough to try out Kinsta when my site is ready, but I would really like to see a much easier local backup solution, maybe just a backup/restore function in DevKinsta that does all this stuff for me.