Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also) A: Aug 30 18:10 GMT+8
Q: DevKinsta Version A: 2.13.4
Q: OS Version A: Windows 11
Q: Docker Desktop Version A: 4.28.0
Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they? A:
Q: Detailed Description of the Problem A: After updating Devkinsta to new version, my local sites all shows database error and the devkinsta_db is not running in Docker. It keeps showing “restarting” even I tried to click the run button many times
Then go to Volumes >> devkinsta_db_data volume and delete the ib_logfile0 file and Relaunch Devkinsta after.
If you’re still unable to delete the ib_logfile0 file, you can also force stop the devkinsta_db container via the command line using local terminal with this command: docker kill devkinsta_db and try to delete the ib_logfile0 file again after.