DotNet Deployment

I’ve deployed a .NET application specifically a Blazor Server application. This has no connected service, or a database it connects to, it just simple. It deployed successfully but I can’t access it on the domain (temporal URL) I am given. Here is what I get when I open it.

Howdy @Rodern,

Welcome to the community friend :call_me_hand: .

We can look further into this for you, but we’d need to know which application this is for.

May you DM the MyKinsta link for this application please?

Shawn C.

Hi @ShawnC

Thank you for your response.
This application is an ASPNET Core Blazor Server app which does nothing more than just to read some images from the server and display them like in a gallery

Ah @Rodern, I understand friend.

However, it’s hard to troubleshoot the issue without the ability to see the deployment logs.

If it’s easier, you can open a chat with Support so we can bring up your account and review the application’s deployment logs that way.


Okay @ShawnC
Please can tell how to do it, I am new to platform.

No worries @Rodern.

You could DM a link to the MyKinsta page for the application, but what may be a better experience for you is opening a support chat with us.

Because you have an application deployed, I’m assuming you’re able to log into to MyKinsta. If so, just look in the bottom right-hand corner and you’ll see the chat icon:

Click it, and this will open a support chat.

From there, if you have more than one application, just tell us which one you’re experiencing an issue with and we’ll give it a check on our end friend.

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