Examples of starting databases using a nixpack

I would like to start custom databases like neo4j and surrealDB so I can do work with graph databases.

Does anyone have an example of running a custom database and an example nixpack of how they set it up to work with kinsta?

Thank you

Hello @timcash

We currently offer database hosting for these database types:

  • Redis 5.0 and 6.x
  • MariaDB 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6
  • PostgreSQL 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
  • MySQL 8.0

As for Nixpacks, you can find more info here: Build and Deploy - Nixpacks - Kinsta® Docs

Let me know if you have further questions :slight_smile:
Kind regards,
Vladimir M

Thanks for asking this, I am also facing this issue.

Hi @juniperwells! Welcome to the Kinsta community!

I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing a similar issue as the original poster. We are happy to help! May I have more details about the issue you are experiencing? Do you need more information about which database type you should pick for your application?

We are looking forward to hearing from you!