Just "errors" when I try to run DevKinsta on ubuntu 20.04LTS

Nothing more to add on this thing. Just will confirm that I was able to launch the DevKinsta almost properly (for some reason the downloaded project was assigned to an non-existand user in my local files ~/DevKinsta/public/mywebsitedomain which didn’t allow DevKinsta run to edit the wp-config.php file - so just chmod 777 and retry just solved the whole issue.

And now it works.
Had another issue with the certificate but I discussed it here: SSL issues (one resolved, one not) - #8 by Dumitru_Galit

You might want to make the .pem file for your certification easier to find so nobody is forced to generate his personal CA to access the local instance. Not generating a certificate would probably be even better because it would allow you to just to “proceed unsafe” while for some reason chrome thinks a unrecognized Certificate is worse than a nonexistent one while still using https - the more you live…