Keep prompting to install docker

In the macos system, Docker has been installed and enabled. After DevKinsta is enabled, it prompts: To use DevKinsta, download and install Docker on your computer. Which friend knows how to solve it?


Hi @salonglong and welcome to DevKinsta Community!
Can you please try to run the following command via terminal when both DevKinsta and Docker are entirely closed?

sudo ln -s "$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock" /var/run/docker.sock

Once done, try to open DevKinsta as usual.
If this doesn’t help, can you please send me a copy of your main.log file via DM? You can find it by clicking on the Help menu at the top of the screen and then on Reveal log file.


The file(main.log) has been sent to you by private message!

Hi there @salonglong :wave:

Alessandro shared the main.log file to us which you provided to him via private message (DM).
As I could see from the log, I noticed the following - which seems that DevKinsta still can’t find/see the Docker on your local computer:

[2023-05-28 09:25:32.425] [error] watchDocker - Error: connect ECONNREFUSED /var/run/docker.sock


[2023-05-28 09:25:33.231] [error] Error - DK0003: DOCKER_INSTALL_COMMON_ERROR: Docker isn’t installed

Could you please confirm if you have tried the suggestion from Alessandro to run this command via your terminal on your Mac computer?

sudo ln -s "$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock" /var/run/docker.sock

if you have done that, have you tried to reboot your computer and tried to re-load DevKinsta - if it’s still showing the same prompt - to download/install Docker?

If that so, could you please also open your terminal program on your Mac computer, and try to run the following command lines (1 by 1) and provide us with their output/results - and so we can check for sure:

  1. docker --version
  2. docker version
  3. which docker
  4. docker context ls


Thank you for your reply. DevKinsta has been unable to detect Docker because macOS has not detected Docker. It has been processed, but it needs to be executed in the terminal every time: source /etc/profile

Thank you for your reply/update.
I don’t have macOS here so I can’t really check further nor replicate the issue, but so far as I can see, my colleagues that use macOS have never had any issues with this Docker thing (they could install Docker Engine/Desktop just fine - and Docker could be detected by their macOS as well - and they could run DevKinsta properly. They didn’t need to execute it in the terminal every time).

It sounds like it’s not DevKinsta related issue at all, but seems to be how the Docker has been installed on your Mac computer possibly. Perhaps you may want to remove/uninstall Docker completely and re-install it and make sure it’s properly installed, and then see if your macOS can detect it correctly/normally, then try to launch DevKinsta (and see if it can also detect it just fine).


this works for me. under docker settings > advanced set the docker cli tools to system, and check ‘allow the default docker socket to be used.’


Hi Joel :wave: Welcome to DevKinsta community!

Glad to hear that works for you! Thank you so much for sharing it to us here, and that maybe useful to help other users that have similar case/issue :pray:


Im having the same issue. I downloaded docker, but it want open.

Bam! This is what solved it for me. Thank you!


Nice one @Roger_Williams ! :smiley: Glad to see you got it solved on your end!
Thanks for sharing the same solution (screenshot) as suggested by Joel before.

Best regards,