My bro download an app called localwp and now my Devkinsta is not opening site

Hey, Kinsta community I hope your team is doing well. My bro installed localwp and started a local host website. He didn’t tell me while installing and hosting the website. I’m using DevKinsta 2.10.0 because of error DK0083. Then I found my DevKinsta app does not open my site. In URL it says:
and in display, it says: This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

Please help me. I have two important web designs in there.

Best regards
Emon Hosen
Thank you

Hi @Emon_Hosen :wave:

Welcome to the Kinsta Community!

It’s possible that Localwp and DevKinsta are using the same port, which could be causing a conflict. Please stop the site that is running in Localwp and ensure that Localwp application is closed and not running.

Next, in DevKinsta, navigate to Settings >> Port Selector, uncheck “Auto-detect ports,” and set port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. After making these changes, check your site again to see if it resolves the issue.

Let me know how it goes! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you Adrian_L for your support. Now the sites are running well but in the domain name it shows the port. I don’t think so this is a problem and thanks againg for your help :grinning:


You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear that your local site through DevKinsta is now accessible. You can also try toggling the “Auto-detect ports” checkbox and setting it back to the default ports (80, 443) respectively to remove the port number from your WordPress URL. Either way, having the port number in the URL shouldn’t be an issue with your WordPress development.

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