Unable to open localhost sites on Mac

Hi there,

I just today found DevKinsta as a way to install WordPress sites locally on my Mac and was told that it was very easy to use and very quick.
Unfortunately I’m not having a lot of luck with it :frowning:
I’ve downloaded and installed DevKinsta and when I was prompted to do so I also downloaded Docker Desktop to my machine and installed that too.
Docker Desktop loaded up and I can see some ‘containers’ (not too sure what they are) have loaded and it looks like that app is working fine.
I then went to DevKinsta and asked it to install a new WordPress site which it did and said that everything was working correctly but when I try to open the localhost site on my Mac I get a http 500 error and can’t get to the site no matter what I try.

I’m on a Mac Mini M2 Pro (not sure if that matters or not though) and was wondering if I’m missing something obvious somewhere in order to get everything working?

Thanks for any help with this as I’m really not seeing what I’m doing wrong here.


Actually looking some more into this if I click on the Database Manager in DevKinsta which does open up a page in my browser and shows the database I can see that the database has no tables and thus no data in it.

Also if I go to the :

and check in there I can see some WordPress files but there is no wp-config.php file just the wp-config-sample.php file.

Shouldn’t there be a wp-config.php file in there or does DevKinsta handle things differently in that respect?

That aside the database though has no tables and no data in it so I’m not sure how it is ever supposed to open up a site without that being in there?

Hello, Mark! :wave: Thanks for reaching out.
I hope you are doing well! This is Jovana from the Kinsta Team. :blush:

Can you please provide us with the details from the main.log file, so we can investigate further?
You can check how to view it here.

Please let me know if you need anything else.

Best regards,

Hi Jovana,

Many thanks for the reply. Should I attach the file to a comment in here or does that file perhaps contain information that I shouldn’t be giving away on a public forum like this?



Actually I don’t think it contains anything secret so have uploaded it here. Thanks.

main.log (redacted)

Hello Mark :wave:

Thanks for writing back.

Please try this solution because I see DK0048 error in the main.log.

Once you do that, try creating a new site in DevKinsta and let me know if it works.

If the issue persists, while Dev Kinsta is open, please access Docker Desktop and take screenshot of the active containers. They should look like this:


Sorry but what solution am I supposed to be trying? I didn’t see anything in your post to tell me what to do? Was there meant to be a link to a tutorial maybe?



Hi Mark,

This is the link of the solution for the error DK0048.

Hi Jovana,

Thank you for the link but I believe that may be for Windows users maybe? I’m on a Mac and there isn’t any such groupadd command on a Mac.

Is there maybe a tutorial for Mac users?



Sorry also meant to add the screenshot as Vladimir asked for above as I’m not able to follow that tutorial unfortunately :frowning:



It definitely seems to be something with the install of WordPress, well I think so anyway as I’ve also noticed the WP Admin button in DevKinsta is also not clickable (it is greyed out) most likely due to the fact no database and no data has been installed.


Anyone any ideas here?


Hello :wave: The Docker containers look correct and they are all running. This seems to be some sort of access/permission issue based on the errors in the main.log though I can’t say we had a similar case in regards to WordPress files missing. Usually we would see that sites can’t be created, not that DevKinsta reports it’s created and then to find it doesn’t work.

Did you try to create another site in DevKinsta and does it present with the same issues?

Apologies for the misunderstanding in regards to the article above.

There are a couple of errors which we have to try and sort out ‘in the blind’. This should resolve the DK003 from your logs. Please run:

sudo ln -s “$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock” /var/run/docker.sock

Try creating a new site after that and let me know if it works.

Kind regards

Hi Vladimir,

I ran that command and got :

File exists

returned in Terminal. I’d actually already come across something online saying to go into the settings of Docker and ensure that the Allow the default Docker socket to be used although that file does exist in that place but it is just an alias file and if you go to the Finder and try to get the original file it reports that the original file can’t be found?

Not sure if that’s a problem or not or if just a file of any kind by that name needs to be there in order for Docker to do whatever it needs? Does seem a little odd that a file that isn’t really anything would enable Docker to do something though?

I did then try creating a new site in DevKinsta afterwards though and still the same 500 error when trying to view it in a browser unfortunately.

Also the site when I go to /users/my_user_name/DevKinsta/public/site_name/ again doesn’t have a wp-config.php file just the wp-config-sample.php file so I still think it’s not downloading everything needed for a site to be created unfortunately :frowning:

Sorry about this. It’s exceptionally frustrating as I thought this was going to be an easy solution to testing out WordPress on my computer. :frowning:



Okay a quick update.

I believe I have fixed the problem though no idea why what I’ve done has fixed it.

I used an application on my Mac to delete any and all files relating to both Docker Desktop and also DevKinsta and then started the entire process of downloading and installing the two applications again.

This time I’ve created a site and it looks like all the files are there and the site also shows up in my browser and allows me to login to the backend so I’m hopeful nothing is missing from the site.

Like I say I’ve no idea why that could work though as I’ve never installed either of those application on this Mac before so don’t know why that would have happened!


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