One click login and user management

I’ll be honest, I love Kinsta for the speed and security. It’s been fantastic. Though I do have some issues with it.

Your uptime monitoring is internal, I’d like to see my uptime for my sites.

User management is a nightmare. We have to make a user for Kinsta to have access to hosting then individual logins for each site as well. I’m currently going through nearly 100 sites manually removing an employee who just quit. Now I’m going to get mainwp, managewp or that new one wp umbrella. Regardless just add a one click login, siteground has it and it’s a breeze. This is ridiculous, i don’t want another tool to setup manually with each site to make user management easier, just give us one click login please.

The new branding screams danger, I haven’t spoke to a soul who likes it.

You have a WordPress analytics section that is a big overview and nice but why can I not filter by website? Yeah I know I can go to a website and look but this has data on its like errors and I don’t know on which website to find them

You send us vulnerability emails which is wonderful! Even give a list of the website. Then make us go to Kinsta, login, then find the website using the list one at a time. Common… Just make the list clickable and take you directly to each website. That’s not hard but sheesh a huge time saver

Hey there, @websitegenii :wave: welcome to the Kinsta Community!

Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad you’re enjoying our platform overall, though I’m sorry to hear you do have some complaints.

  1. Uptime Monitoring:

Our uptime monitoring is not explicitly internal. We have some general information on how it works here: Monitoring - Uptime Monitoring - Kinsta® Docs

To elaborate a bit, our uptime monitoring works by making HEAD requests to your site within a timed interval. Depending on the HTTP response code received, the uptime service may take action through the automated responses you receive via email. When replied to, these responses are routed directly to our Support team so that they can begin to assist you with diagnosing any performance-related issues.

If you’re interested in having access to some sort of UI, or at the very least, having a more proactive system in place for uptime monitoring in favor of our more reactive implementation, you may want to consider a 3rd party solution.

  1. User Management

Can you help me understand a bit better by what you mean here? :thinking:
When creating a user in MyKinsta, you can assign them a role. Whether or not this user was added at the Company Level or simply given Site Access, you shouldn’t need to remove their user more than a single time.

I assume I may be misunderstanding your complaint based on that information. My apologies if so! Are you perhaps referring to WordPress users?

  1. Branding

I’m sorry to hear that you’re not a fan of the new branding :disappointed: we did receive quite a bit of positive feedback on the new design and we’re happy with it ourselves. We do understand it can be difficult to please everyone, so feedback is always appreciated.

  1. Vulnerability Emails

I do empathize with you on this point. I’ll share this feedback internally to see if it’s something we can consider. Asking users to click on links isn’t always the best practice from a development perspective, though in situations like this, it may be reasonable to consider changing to streamline things for our users with a lot of site(s)/installs to check.

I hope I was able to accurately address all of your points. If I’ve missed anything, or if you’d like to discuss anything further don’t hesitate to follow up!

The Support team is also available via Live chat and email, 24/7


User Management
Can you help me understand a bit better by what you mean here? :thinking:
When creating a user in MyKinsta, you can assign them a role. Whether or not this user was added at the Company Level or simply given Site Access, you shouldn’t need to remove their user more than a single time.

I assume I may be misunderstanding your complaint based on that information. My apologies if so! Are you perhaps referring to WordPress users?

We have 87 sites on Kinsta right now. Currently yes, I can give a developer access to all of them by setting up a user role.

Though how do they log into the website itself? We we have to have an admin of the site login, make them a user account on that specific website. So if I added a developer yes they could work within Kinsta instantly and have access to everything on that end. But if they need to login to the website itself? Well that’s a lot harder. I’d have to log into manually all 87 sites and setup a user account for that person on every site. Then if they leave, the same thing…
With siteground for example I can grant a developer access to our sites in siteground, they can go to that site and use a button to click “login” and it logs them into the website. If that dev leaves I just remove that user and we are good (granted they could make a separate user account on site per site basis) but having a 1 click login and even having a list of users on that site displayed in Kinsta would make a world of difference.

We get support tickets for old clients that are easy to do, but I have to go in, find my password myself, create a user account, and all to get the dev logged in. When it could just be a single click from the access they already have.

Does this clear it up?

Thank you for clarifying, @websitegenii! Yes that does clear things up :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s a really interesting idea. We’ve had the, Open WP Admin button in MyKinsta for quite some time now, but that’s about as close as we’ve really gotten to a meaningful MyKisnta → WP login integration.

I’m not very familiar with Sitegound myself, but I could certainly see how it would be challenging to transition from their platform to another that is lacking more robust user management tools.

I’ll go ahead and submit this as a feature request internally. Thanks for sharing this concept with us. We’re always trying to improve the user experience so suggestions like this are always welcome!


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Is there an update to this on a feature development standpoint? Coming from Flywheel, the one click login feature is definitely something I’m missing. I’m on the other side of the original poster’s scenario where I’m the new developer and now I have to bother someone with access to create a user account for me for every website that doesn’t have a general log in account.

Thank you for your message, Robert! I don’t have an update I can share at this time. However, I will ensure to share your interest for a one click type login system with our team to consider for inclusion in a future MyKinsta update.

We will certainly share an update should this feature be released!

Please don’t hesitate to share any further suggestions or feedback. Your feedback really helps us make improvements to our services!

Best regards

The option for one click login to WordPress from MyKinsta would be pretty helpful for a lot of people. Andrew made a note internally about your interest in this feature :slightly_smiling_face:

I did want to bring up that if you have access to the site in MyKinsta, you may create a WordPress user account for yourself using the WP CLI command wp user create within a SSH session.