I’ll be honest, I love Kinsta for the speed and security. It’s been fantastic. Though I do have some issues with it.
Your uptime monitoring is internal, I’d like to see my uptime for my sites.
User management is a nightmare. We have to make a user for Kinsta to have access to hosting then individual logins for each site as well. I’m currently going through nearly 100 sites manually removing an employee who just quit. Now I’m going to get mainwp, managewp or that new one wp umbrella. Regardless just add a one click login, siteground has it and it’s a breeze. This is ridiculous, i don’t want another tool to setup manually with each site to make user management easier, just give us one click login please.
The new branding screams danger, I haven’t spoke to a soul who likes it.
You have a WordPress analytics section that is a big overview and nice but why can I not filter by website? Yeah I know I can go to a website and look but this has data on its like errors and I don’t know on which website to find them
You send us vulnerability emails which is wonderful! Even give a list of the website. Then make us go to Kinsta, login, then find the website using the list one at a time. Common… Just make the list clickable and take you directly to each website. That’s not hard but sheesh a huge time saver