Staging site question please

Hello, I have a WordPress website on a shared host that I would like to rebuild as it uses Elementor as is very bloated in Div code. So I’m curious if I purchase an account, can I use the staging area to create a new website and still keep my domain name pointing to the current website I have at a different web host?

Or to use the staging option… do I need to point the domain name to Kinsta first?

Hi @chrisheidlebaugh :wave: and welcome to our Community forum!

Yes, when you purchase our Managed WordPress Hosting plan, you can create a site and its Staging environment too as shown on our documentation here:

Both with Live and Staging environments, you can use temporary URLs (and they are hosted on separated containers). When you’re ready, you can use your own domain there and set it as the primary domain. You can also push your Staging to Live environment too (after you’ve done with the development on the Staging site).

Best regards,
Agus Utomo

Thank you so much Agus for the help. I appreciate you

You’re most welcome Chris! :bowing_man:

Once you have an active account, feel free to reach out to our support team when necessary :pray:

If you are unable to access MyKinsta, you can contact our Support team by sending an email to from the email address associated with your MyKinsta account.

Best regards,
Agus Utomo