How do I Increase the maximum upload file size? I’m trying to upload to WordPress and it states that the maximum size is 128MB.
Hi @avalanche_designs . Thanks for reaching out and welcome to DevKinsta.
Are you uploading a file that’s larger than 128MB into your Media Library on WordPress? If so, the upload does need to be increased on PHP. I’m happy to provide guidance on how to increase that. Could you tell me if you’re on Windows or Mac?
I am attempting to import a site using all-in-one migration with a size of 250MB. Please provide guidance on increasing the upload size.
Happy to help! We’ll look into adding this into our documentation as well. Check out these posts and let me know if they help:
- Adminer : how to increase the 'post_max_size in the Php confi? - #4 by michael
- Oxygen Builder - Fatal Error Out of Memory - #2 by michael
- Php configuration - #2 by michael
In the posts above, they have require that the php.ini file is edited to increase the upload size.
I am on a Windows machine. I can use Command line to get to the file but not sure how to proceed from there.
Hi @hi5work_Agency - are you able to edit the file? The line you’re looking for has post_max_size
No. I am using the Windows command prompt and not sure how to open the php.ini file from there to edit?
Hi @hi5work_Agency . I’m very sorry for missing your message. Were you able to find the php.ini file? We hope to make it easier to update this value in a future update. Please let us know if you’re still having issues in a new thread and we’d be happy to provide further instructions on this.