Using DevKinsta without a Kinsta subscription

I apologize if this has been discussed elsewhere - I’ve searched but cant find it - but could someone please direct me to instructions on how to use DevKinsta to access an existing WP site which is NOT hosted on Kinsta? When I launch the tool, it requires a login (to the Kinsta site) and I can’t bypass that. Is this tool ONLY for Kinsta projects or can it be used for non-Kinsta sites as well? The documentation I’ve read indicates that it supports all WP sites. I’ve tried asking Kinsta but they won’t assist and direct me to the forum.


Hi @mazurik . Welcome to DevKinsta!

While DevKinsta works best alongside Kinsta, it’s not required to have an active plan with Kinsta. There are certain features however that are only available for Kinsta users. One example of that is our push and pull feature is only available for Kinsta users. You are free however to create a local site on DevKinsta and upload the site to your other host via another method.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions on the process to using DevKinsta :slight_smile:

We haven’t heard back from you on this topic in a while. However, if you do need further assistance you can simply start a new conversation here on DevKinsta. Let us know if you need further assistance! :wave: