Our team is we are just getting started using DevKinsta. I created the site and have been working on it fine for a while. Yesterday, a coworker downloaded the site and made some changes. When he pushed his changes up to GitHub, he noticed the wp-config file had been changed, specifically the username and password.
Any idea how that happened? Should we add wp-config.php to the .gitignore file? That’s what we typically did in the past, but it seemed like DevKinsta should be able to handle that.
When pulling (import) the site from MyKinsta to our local computer, DevKinsta would indeed automatically change the DB settings (DB_HOST to devkinsta_db , DB_NAME to its site DB name , DB_USER to root, and DB_PASSWORD to its root DB password) in the wp-config.php file - that would match with the “Database” details on the “Site info” page in DevKinsta.
[2023-02-23 07:35:33.449] [info] [dockerUtil/getContainer] Get ‘devkinsta_fpm’ Docker container
[2023-02-23 07:35:34.076] [info] [containerExec] Command ‘cd /www/kinsta/public/yoursitename && wp --allow-root --skip-themes --skip-plugins config set DB_HOST devkinsta_db && wp --allow-root --skip-themes --skip-plugins config set DB_PASSWORD ****** && wp --allow-root --skip-themes --skip-plugins config set DB_USER root && wp --allow-root --skip-themes --skip-plugins config set DB_NAME Your_Site_Name’ on devkinsta_fpm finished with exit code 0
then also, when pushing the local site (from DevKinsta) to MyKinsta (either to Premium Staging or Standard/free Staging), DevKinsta would automatically perform the WP CLI to set/update those DB settings (in wp-config.php file) back to match with the DB host/settings/credentials we have in MyKinsta.
In the main.log file, we can see such action like this as well for example:
I’m not sure how you and/or your coworker would be working on your site (created in DevKinsta) on GitHub - as DevKinsta doesn’t have an integration with GIT (or GitHub) currently and we won’t be able to provide support for that.
I could only tell how the default process works (import/pulling and pushing site) in DevKinsta as explained above. Perhaps based on the information above maybe your coworker (or your developers) have some ideas or workaround to get it work on GitHub