Beaver Builder Cache

Hi folks. Just discovered that the “push” function of Devkinsta clears Kinsta caches, but doesn’t clear Beaver Builder’s cache.

Any BB users out there, figure out a way to automate the clearing of BB’s cache when pushing a site? I’m thinking maybe some sort of custom function that is triggered by either an API call or something simpler.

Hi @klagreca2 :wave:

I’m not a Beaver Builder plugin expert, but from what I found online, it doesn’t look like the plugin has an API endpoint for cache clearing. However, I did come across a WP-CLI command " wp beaver clearcache " to clear its cache. So, you might be able to create a custom PHP function to trigger the WP-CLI clear cache command.

Not exactly the same behavior, but another option could be setting up a cron task to trigger WP-CLI to clear the BB cache at specific time intervals on the Kinsta’s server.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks! I’ll dive into this and see if I can automate it in some way.

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