I followed the instructions here to add 2 TXT records provided at my nameserver host/dns provider
and clicked OK, I’ve Done It at least 48 hours ago but it’s still spinning and showing orange text ‘Confirming pointing’
I followed the instructions here to add 2 TXT records provided at my nameserver host/dns provider
and clicked OK, I’ve Done It at least 48 hours ago but it’s still spinning and showing orange text ‘Confirming pointing’
Hi @big-pauld! Thank you for reaching out to us on the forum!
I have reviewed the application associated with your Kinsta company. I see that it appears the domain verification process has completed successfully at this time. I do see now MyKinsta is at the “Confirming pointing” stage. What this means is that you may now point your domain’s A type DNS record to the application’s IP address.
You may find the IP address for your application by navigating back to the “Domains” page that displays the “Confirming pointing” text. You may then select the “Confirming pointing” text, and then select the “Point domain” button. In the popup that appears you may select the “Show pointing instructions” drop down menu. This will reveal the A type DNS record name and IP address you will need to create at the DNS service provider for your domain. Once this record has been created your application will be accessible using your domain.
You may also choose to make your domain the primary domain for your application. To do this you may select the three dot menu icon to the right of your domain name, and choose the “Make primary domain” option. You can then follow the on-screen instructions to change the primary domain of your application.
I hope this information is able to help! However, if you do have any further questions please don’t hesitate to reply. We’re always happy to help!
Best regards
thank you Andrew, that worked straight away (I misunderstood the process)