Database is 0KB

Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also)
**A: 6:21AM GMT+8

Q: DevKinsta Version
**A: 2.13.4

Q: OS Version
**A: Windows 11

Q: Docker Desktop Version
**A: 4.29.0

Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?

Q: Detailed Description of the Problem
**A: I’m new to DevKinsta, and I’ve faced one problem after another, this happened to me upon Site Import,

Imported from Live - launched local site only shows the site URL repeated many times in HTML body - DevKinsta / Application Support - Kinsta Community

And I’ve solved this by changing the wp-config.php, and running wp search-replace my-local-site.local

Now a new problem arises, I can access now the site’s local environment, but I’ve noticed the Database size is 0KB, for some reason, the site is working, the database is there, but it’s 0KB, is this a visual bug? Because I’m hesitant to push the changes.

Hi @Carlo_Santos Welcome to the Community!

I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues. Thank you for sharing the screenshot; it’s very helpful. The database size should accurately reflect the actual size. I ran some tests on my end, including importing a site from Live, and the database size displayed correctly.

Could you please try restarting Docker and DevKinsta to see if it refreshes and displays the correct size? If the issue is purely visual and the local site is functioning correctly with the database intact, it may be safe to proceed with pushing the changes. However, I’m not entirely certain, so we should definitely test this further to be sure.

We’ll need to investigate this issue more thoroughly and conduct additional tests. We will let you know how it goes.


You can configure DevKinsta’s settings to quit the app when it is closed. Then, close and reopen the app.

Fully closing the app and re-opening should trigger the update db size action again to hopefully correct its value in the Devkinsta UI.

Example entry in the main.log file:
[2024-09-02 03:29:16.607] [info] [getDbSize] update new-loca-site site's db size

I think I’ve found the culprit and the solution, so I forgot to mention that the “search & replace” function is also not working, as well as the wp-config, so I noticed that when I pushed to staging, db_name, db_user, db_host, db_password has been added to wp-config on staging, but I already had this configured on wp-config-db.

I tried deleting wp-config-db, and modified the added the correct db credentials on the wp-config.php, then everything worked. The search and replace and database file size on DevKinsta updated.

So I guess DevKinsta doesn’t read wp-config-db for the database info & creds, only when it’s in wp-config.php…

This is the preconfigured wp-config-db, which I removed.

This is the new db credentials I put in wp-config

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