Hi Everyone!
Yesterday i had the same problem after installing Docker Desktop and DevKinsta for the first time. Simillar to @hiepvq, after going to create new site with function “New WordPress site” at step “Creating MySQL database” there was information “Something bad happened.” without an error number (similar to his screenshot).
After going through some topics on support, this one was with the right solution for me Can't connect to database - #4 by jromero_arro
As i am not familiar with Docker, it took me sometime go whit correct steps in this instruction, i think it’s worth knowing where to get root password: in Docker you can check it on the container “devkinsta_db” you can go to “view details” and in “Inspect” section you can verify password created on database (MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD).
You can also verify it on DevKinsta after creating new website at “Database” section (lower on site details) - it should be the same as on Docker - if yes, then instructions from topic should work
Also i had the case, where this password was not possible to change (probably due to my many different approach to this matter). If after command
mysqladmin -u root password
you receive error (without question for new password)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)
it may be usefull to delete Image of mariadb in docker, then close devkinsta and run it again to let devkinsta create new image. After that you should be able to set up new password.