After importing my staging site into DevKinsta, I noticed that there are duplicate tables in the database. Some have the prefix wp_ and others have the prefix wpkw_. For example, the tables [wpkw_posts] and [wp_posts] both have duplicate data. These duplicate tables do not exist on the staging site until I import it into DevKinsta. Why would this be happening and is there a way to correct it?
I deleted the site and then imported it again and everything is fine now. No duplicates in this new import.
Hi @jamesryancooper Welcome to DevKinsta! . I wonder what happened there. Do let us know if this happens again.
We haven’t heard back from you on this topic in a while. However, if you do need further assistance you can simply start a new forum thread. Thank you again for using DevKinsta. Let us know if you need further assistance!