Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also)
A: [2023-01-23 19:49:45.795] [error]
Q: DevKinsta Version
A: 2.9.0
Q: OS Version
A: Windows 10
Q: Docker Desktop Version
A: Docker Desktop 4.16.2
Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?
A: HTTP Error 500
Q: Detailed Description of the Problem
**A: I can’t acces my site on local env due to “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()”. The funny part is that yesterday i have worked on it and worked great. I had the same error , but after quite some time it went thourgh. So today happend the same.
Errror 500 > wait some time > and then works…
Not sure what to make of it - what is causing this issue.