Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also) A:[2024-06-28 05:25:07.674]
Q: DevKinsta Version
Q: OS Version A: macOS sonoma 14.5(23F79)
Q: Docker Desktop Version A:
Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?
**A:**4.31.0 (153195)
Q: Detailed Description of the Problem A:
I created an empty site in Devkinsta and tried to sync the kistan site to it, but no luck.
I would like to figure out the cause.
Thank you for providing the log. We’re still looking into it.
While we are, can you please in the meantime, instead of syncing the empty site, try to add a new site to devKinsta and pull the desired site from Mykinsta?
We are still looking into this, however, the logs haven’t provided enough clarity so we can pinpoint the issue. We’re considering what to recommend next.
In regards to the external disk, that might be concerning, considering the site size, it could be the connection between an external disk and the machine is breaking or internet connection breaking during download.
Did you ever try to wait out the process or does it get stuck for hours? Also, have you tried downloading another smaller site?
If smaller site downloaded properly, I advise making a downloadable backup of the site you’re having issues with, then choosing to add it in DevKinsta via Custom Site → Import from backup.