Unable to clone my Live Site To DevKinsta

Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also)
**A: [2023-11-24 18:13:35.356] GTM +1 **

Q: DevKinsta Version
A: Version 2.11.0 (

Q: OS Version
A: macOS 14.1.1 (23B81)

Q: Docker Desktop Version
A:4.25.2 (129061)

Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?
A:From main.log [2023-11-24 18:12:58.214] [info] [ProgressIndicator] { isFailed: false, isOpen: true }
[2023-11-24 18:12:58.414] [info] [ProgressIndicator] { isFailed: false, isOpen: true }
[2023-11-24 18:12:58.609] [info] [terminalExec] Child process exited with code 0
[2023-11-24 18:13:28.826] [info] [containerExec] Command ‘chown -R www-data:www-data /www/kinsta/public/mysite’ on devkinsta_fpm finished with exit code 0
[2023-11-24 18:13:28.827] [info] [importBackupToDb] Import db
[2023-11-24 18:13:28.828] [info] [dockerUtil/getContainer] Get ‘devkinsta_fpm’ Docker container
[2023-11-24 18:13:35.299] [info] [containerExec] Command 'mysql -h devkinsta_db -u root -p
*** mysite < “/www/kinsta/public/mysite/backup.sql”’ on devkinsta_fpm finished with exit code 0
[2023-11-24 18:13:35.300] [info] [importBackupToDb] Import db done, deleting dump
[2023-11-24 18:13:35.300] [info] [dockerUtil/getContainer] Get ‘devkinsta_fpm’ Docker container
[2023-11-24 18:13:35.355] [info] [containerExec] Command ‘rm -f /www/kinsta/public/attractiveneon/backup.sql’ on devkinsta_fpm finished with exit code 0
[2023-11-24 18:13:35.356] [info] [dockerUtil/getContainer] Get ‘devkinsta_fpm’ Docker container*

Q: Detailed Description of the Problem
**A: When i try to pull from Live to DevKista (new site creation) It’s blocked to “Download distant site”
Capture d’écran 2023-11-24 à 18.33.04

Hello there @6real :wave: and welcome to Kinsta Community!

Could you please share your recent full main.log file to us (you may want to send it via DM/private message to me and to my colleague @Alessandro ), so that we can check and review further?

Also, could you please tell if you retry to clone your Live site “attractiveneon” to your local computer (DevKinsta), does it always stall at the same percentage (49%) when downloading the site’s files/folders (1.91GiB /1.91 GiB) - as shown in your screenshot?
if that so, I’m wondering and suspecting if there might be something (e.g.: broken symlinks path, permissions issue with files or folders and something like that inside your ~/public site folder) that would prevent such specific files/folders transfer couldn’t be completed.

Best regards,