Q: Date/Time this occurred (Provide your time zone also)
**A: Monday, 7 June 2021 (GMT+3)
Q: DevKinsta Version
**A: 1.1.7
Q: OS Version
**A: 11.3.1
Q: Docker Desktop Version
**A: 20.10.6
Q: Were any error codes or messages observed? If so, what were they?
**A: no
Q: Detailed Description of the Problem
**A: while import the website from kinsta the import get stuck at the “downloading remote site” stage after downloading some GB’s, it asks for credentials and after those provided it stops the import.
Welcome to DevKinsta @ohadf ! I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble importing a site on DevKinsta. Do you happen to have any firewall settings or antivirus software on your computer that you can disable?
Could you elaborate a bit on this? Are you saying that after it downloads a few GB’s that it asks you for credentials again? Would you mind providing a screenshot of that prompt? Thank you!
Apologies for the trouble there. Could you try again? If you continue to have issues uploading, could you tell us what the file type is that you’re uploading it in?
Could you confirm the containers as well? The reason I ask is because the bug log on our end is indicating the docker containers have stopped on your machine.
In the beginning they were working, Maybe something made them crash through the import process, but i know that after it got stuck the containers were working because i worked on one of them.