Unable to import new site. Ever

Hi Community,

Hoping someone can asssist me in an issue I’m having with DevKinsta.

MacBook froze while DevKinsta was running. I restarted the machine and my local site stoped working completely in Kinsta. No WP errors, nothing. Tried the following steps:

  • Tried deleting the site completely from DevKinsta, that failed saying “Something bad happened” and it wouldn’t let me delete it.
  • Tried uninstalling DevKinsta and Docker completely and reinstalling, that didn’t work.
  • Removed the directory itself completely and tried reimporting as a new site, that didn’t work.
  • Changed the directory where the site normally sat on my machine, that didn’t work.

Now DevKinsta will not allow me to import the site at all and keeps on giving me the same error “Something bad happened”. — see screenshot

Not sure what else I can do and a bit stressed as it was working fine before the freeze and now I’m unable to work on a project.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @duoagency Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear about the problems you’re having with DevKinsta. I’d love to assist you in getting this sorted out.

To better assist you, can you please provide the following information?

DevKinsta Version:
OS Version:
Docker Desktop Version:

When you get a chance, please send me the DevKinsta’s main.log file via private message. You can get the main.log file by clicking on the “Reveal log file in File Manager” under the Help and Support page in Devkinsta.

I will wait for your update.

Hi @merineth,

Thanks so much for getting back to me.

Please see the information you requested below:

DevKinsta Version: 2.13.4
OS Version: Mac OS 15.3.1
Docker Desktop Version: 4.38.0

I’ve also attached the main.log

main.log (152.9 KB)

Please let me know if you require anything further.



When you open the Docker Desktop app, please check if you see these warnings and click the “Reapply Configuration” or “Repair” button if they are visible. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

Let us know how it goes!