I’ve been trying Devkinsta and exporting my site made with Oxygen Builder with the latest versions of the All in One WP Migration plugin and WP5.6.1 results in a file of 239mb. That file is a lot less than exporting the same site from within Laragon (286mb). Also the backup made under Devkinsta will not re-import.
Hi @ChrisP and welcome to DevKinsta!
Is there any export differences between the two files? I’m not sure DevKinsta would have any affect on what is being exported from the plugin.
Are you presented with any errors when attempting to reimport?
Hi Michael, and thanks. No, there were no errors on the actual import. Just that images were missing. I think it may have just been a problem of resigning the permalinks and regenerating the cache as it now appears to be working correctly. Interesting how the size of an exported site is considerably smaller when using Devkinsta rather than Laragon as the local host (229mb versus 289mb). Not sure why that is. In the meantime l’ll keep trying the development of my site in Devkinsta. Thanks again. Chris
In the end I’ve had to stop because the export does in fact fail to include all the images, not sure why this is as under Laragon and vvv vagrant the All-in-One plugin brings all of them over
@ChrisP Is the import attempting to download & upload images that are hosted locally?
Is it importing some images but not all?
We haven’t heard back from you on this topic in a while. However, if you do need further assistance you can simply start a new conversation here on DevKinsta. Let us know if you need further assistance!