Selective Push Options (and pull)

I shouldn’t have to upload my entire website every time I need to make an update. When you start getting 10GB and higher installations this is just not a good way of doing it.

Can we simply upload the files that we select? Like pushing the theme files alone would be wonderful. I do this now manually because it’s easier to just copy the theme files and upload them via FileZilla and far faster than pushing the entire site.

A selective push and pull would be wonderful.

{edits - typos / grammar}


Thank you for the feature request @Andrew_Fair !

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I’d like to second this. I have a database of hundreds and thousands of users. Sometimes I just want to create a new page/post (which is saved into the database) and to push that to staging, I would have to push my entire database.

It would be great if we could select specific folders and database tables to push.

Delicious Brains has a plugin that does exactly this, but it’s a premium plugin. And it would be great if we didn’t need to install a third party plugin just to push our site to Kinsta.

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Agreed and subbing. This would be a nice feature (and friendly to Kinsta’s bandwidth).

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Completely agree and I was surprised to learn that when I push staging to live all of the data for my affiliates (using Affiliate WP is updated). I’ve been in touch with support and this was their response:

I would suggest working with your developer on what process you should use, but ultimately I’m afraid you’ll have to re-add the registered affiliates manually. We don’t have a feature to exclude tables.

Here is the process I follow.

  1. Place LIve site in maintenance mode
  2. Export the registered affiliates.
  3. Import the registered affiliates in staging
  4. Push staging to live

This is 1) a real hassle 2) will inevitable be overlooked / forgotten once and that means the Affiliates will be far from happy.

Really need a solution for this Kinsta as it kills the value of your staging to live functionality stone dead.

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This should be a priority request

Hi there @worldwildweb :wave: welcome to the Kinsta Community!

At this time, Selective Push is a feature that does exist in DevKinsta :tada:

Feel free to read more about it here and let us know if you have any questions:
link to docs


hi @Jake, yes i noticed the selective for the files but I’d love to see the same feature for the DB, I should have been more precise :slight_smile:
Especially when pushing to prod and there have been new orders, change on orders status on prod, unless you have a better idea to not erase the whole DB when pushing, from devkinsta to staging or prod, or from staging to prod?

Ah, thanks for the clarification @worldwildweb!

I agree with you, having the ability to push only specific tables would be beneficial for eCommerce/Membership sites since overwriting the entire database just isn’t reasonable in these situations.

I’ll share this feature request internally with our developers :slight_smile:


I’d like to get in on this. We have some large sites with tons of media - 100+gb, I love local dev, I love how easy DevKinsta is, it’d be amazing to be able to decide if we pull Media or not. If we don’t pull media, you could do a search and replace to reference production urls for assets instead of local media library assets.

This is how we handle our local protocols when we can’t pull with DevKinsta directly - Migrate DB Pro, then we choose not to pull media. Or even better, you pull Media once, then update anything that’s missing locally from prod in future pulls. Given that we have a solution already - I do love DevKinsta’s ease of use with our Kinsta servers (we run an agency with many clients)

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