SSH support for Ghostty

There’s a popular new terminal application called Ghostty. When SSHing into any Kinsta site with Ghostty certain keys, like delete, don’t reflect visually. This is apparently a known issue with a fix explained here:

To summarize, the fix is to copy Ghostty’s terminfo to the remote machine like this:

infocmp -x | ssh YOUR-SERVER -- tic -x -

Would it be possible to include this with default Kinsta container so that new sites could automatically work properly with Ghostty?

Hi Austin :wave:

I wanted to let you know that I submitted your feature request. While we can’t guarantee it will be implemented, I will keep you updated as soon as we have any news. Thank you for sharing your suggestion!


I was having a similar issues with Ghostty
the fix for me was on my mac in the ssh config file ~/.ssh/config adding

Host *
  SetEnv TERM=xterm-256color

now the backspace key works as intended

Good find. Thanks for sharing!

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